See you at Jordancon?


I’ll be participating on panels at JordanCon and running a Fading Suns game! Here is my schedule:

• Friday, April 22nd, 5:30 pm (Dekalb room): “Let’s Make a Game”

• Sunday, April 24, 10:00 am (Dekalb room): “GM 911”

• Sunday, April 24, 2:30 pm — I’m running a Fading Suns game!

Hope to see you there!

Upcoming Events


Here are some places I’ll be in the coming months. More info as I know it.

Gary Con (March 24-27, virtual) — I might be here virtually for some Ulisses and Fading Suns panels — and maybe even a game. More as I know it.

JordanCon (April 22-24, Atlanta GA) — I will be an in-person panelist (and maybe gamemaster…) at this local fantasy con. Come say hi! (I will be juggling my time with the CG Jung Society of Atlanta’s lecture/workshop weekend, which I will post more about once registration opens.)

StokerCon (May 12-15, Denver CO) — I’ll be an in-person panel moderator at the Horror Writers Association con, always a good time.