What’s up


Time for an update about what’s happening with me:

FADING SUNS: The crowdfunding for the New Frontiers wave of products wrapped up in late August, but there will be a LATE PLEDGE opening soonish. I’ll post updates in all the usual places when that opens up. If you missed the initial campaign, definitely get on board here — there’s lots of good stuff. You can check them out here.

THE APOCALYPTIC RECORD: Now on Kickstarter! This looks to be the final Werewolf 20th-Anniversary Edition sourcebook. I’ve got a few chapters in here (one of them with ol’ Albrecht), so if you’re a good garou (or even a bad one), consider pledging.

BLACKBIRDS: Now on Kickstarter! This new RPG has a lot of talented people behind it, and I don’t mean me even though I wrote a few chapters, so check it out. This looks like a campaign you’ll kick yourself about for not pledging once the products start rolling out.

And finally…

CAPCLAVE: I’ll be attending this classic sci-fi convention near Washington DC this coming weekend (Oct 1-3). I’m just an attendee, but if you’re there, say hi if you see me. Other Fading Suns/World of Darkness writers might drop by too.

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